The things I want to say get stuck in my mouth.
a conceptual collaboration with friends and ex-lovers
Artists have been using archives and documents in their work for decades. Rather than revisit
historical events, I am using my personal archives to explore my past relationships, memories,
and emotions.
The things I want to say get stuck in my mouth., mines my collection of letters and journals for
internal responses to conversations, arguments, notes and tokens of affection. The process of
scanning the documents acts as a meditation on the words and the past, causing me to reflect
on how memories become distorted and change over time: people change, grow apart,
make futile attempts to salvage something that will inevitably end. We don’t always say what
we mean or are afraid to be honest with ourselves, our partners, and our friends.
These notes evidence my desires to compulsively write things down and reenact situations
until I determine what I should have said. This desire is further amplified by publicly
displaying these words in the present, as I share my side of unfinished conversations from the
past. They can now be completed in infinite ways by the viewer.